I'm scared that winter will be the death of me,
I'm scared that non of these churches can tell me my purpose,
I'm scared I'm worthless.
I'm scared I'll fall back, I am falling.
I'm scared no one will catch me
How to not get a girlfriend. Be like me
How be along. Be like me
How to fail school. Be like me
How to have people judge you. Be like me
How to be a tourist. Be like me
How to be an alcoholic. Be like me
How to be a bad son. Be like me
But most inportantly. Don't be like me.
The day my bestfriend overdoesed on heroine. Not only did he killed him self, but he killed me too. One can only handle so much blunt trama to the head. One can only lose so much blood from walking on these smashed bottles. My lungs are black. These scars won't heal.
My parents say that they love me, but don't like me. Like how I grow my hair out too long, don't clean my room, or how I won't give them hugs. They're glad I don't do drugs anymore.